Saturday, September 22, 2007

Baby Birds

I realize that most of you won't be as excited about this as I am, but after taking care of three females and watching dozens of eggs never hatch. We bought a male bird, and voila, three weeks later we have two baby birds in the nest. We noticed two eggs on day and then the couple were constantly on the nest, we thought they were probably laying more eggs because that is what they used to do when they were all female. But then, Monday, I scared them all out of the nest and there were two little dark shaped wriggling around in there. I about wet myself I was so excited. Here they are on Tuesday.

By Saturday they have doubled in size. And they cheep and chirp and open their mouths really big to eat. Both parents feed them and both sleep with them at night. I will try to get better pictures, but I didn't want to intrude on the family too much. They don't look like much I agree, but it is really exciting to have new-born life in our apartment.


Lynn said...

Congratulations!!! Keep up with photos so we can see the progress. I just got a call today that "Honey", the current foster is being adopted by someone coming down from Idaho. Feeing good about our animals. Love,Mom