Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Late Halloween Pics

Sorry it has taken me a while to put these on. First of all, Happy Birthday to Hannah (late) and Brad and Syd!!! Halloween was pretty fun. The kids wore costumes to school and had parades and parties and such. We visited Mark's "Haunted Cube" at his office, and we went over to Moms for a while in costume. Mark and Millie (w/o costume -lame) and Noah showed up, so we took some pictures and had some leaf fights. Mom and I are sort of witches. I'm not sure what Syd is- some kind of Halloween devil lady (according to David). Rachel is a bunny rabbit, John is a nerd, David is dressed in Black with crazy hair(?), and Noah is a tiny, chubby, purple dragon. We went back to our neighborhood for the "trunk or treat" and were done by around 7:30pm, which was great because I wasn't feeling too well -coming down with a nasty sore throat/cough thing.


Hannah said...

I love the purple dinosaur!! David looks so tall! John is too cute to be nerdy and Rachelle is an adorable bunny. Thanks for sharing pictures! I wish I was there to enjoy it in person.